Episode 93- Dental Associate Agreements from an Associate's Perspective: Wrap-up with Questions & Answers
In this tenth episode of the Dental Associate Agreements from an Associate’s Perspective Season, the Dental Amigos polled new and seasoned dentists to identify (and then answer) important “new dentist questions” to help prepare recent grads who are interviewing or starting their first jobs.

Tune in and find out what questions new dentists have about being an associate in the “real world” of dentistry. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear experienced dentists share what they wish they knew prior to entering the field of dentistry. The goal of this episode is to increase your success and reduce your stress by helping you to understand the right questions to ask in an interview and helping you to understand key issues in an associate agreement to determine whether an agreement is right for your professional goals.
Spoiler Alert! There’s more to come from the Amigos! In the upcoming second season, the Amigos flip the script and look at associate agreements from an employer’s perspective. The Amigos share what is important for employers to be aware of as they enter into the world of associateship. Stay tuned!
Listeners who want to reach out to Paul can do so at Paul@DentalNachos.com and those who want to reach out to Rob can do so at Rob@RMontgomery-Law.com.